In the following 4 part series, we will discuss religion, mythology, mathematics, science, and how they are interconnected. The tools we’ll use in the discourse will be symbolism, linguistics and etymology. Our objective in the articles is to illustrate how nature and life is expressed in a mathematical ratio we call ф (phi). Ф (phi) is not a number, but a ratio of numbers having an irrational mathematical constant of approximately 1.6180339887. Mathematical equations for ф are composed of an endless chain of parts resembling each other and the whole.
This is exactly what our ancestor in antiquity taught about creation and nature; everything in creation is nothing but a reflection of the One (The Whole). Another way of articulating this expression is to say humans are created in the image and likeness of the Creator.
Johannes Kepler, the great 17th century German mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer says, “Geometry has two great treasures: one is the Theorem of Pythagoras; the other, the division of a line into extreme and mean ratio. The first we, may compare to gold; the second we may name a precious jewel.”1
The extreme and mean ratio Johannes Kepler is speaking of is the ф (phi) ratio. The phi ratio has been called many names: the section, the extreme and mean ratio, golden section, the divine proportion, Godlike proportion, the divine section, the continued division, the medial section, and the golden cut.
So with that let us begin our journey…
We live in a time period where it seems we as a planet are at the most advance levels we’ve ever been technologically. Historians call this period the Information Age. With our modern computers, the Internet, and our cutting edge discoveries in areas of physics, biology, chemistry and other sciences, one might concur this is the case.
Where did all of this come in such a short period of time? It wasn’t until 1953 our modern scientist (James Watson and Francis Crick, with the data of Rosalind Franklin) discovered the structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic-acid). On February 28, 1953, Crick makes the announcement He and Watson have “discovered the secrets of life”.
What is DNA?
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is nucleic acid that stores and transmits genetic information from one generation to the next.
What is the structure of DNA?
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) has a structure reminding you of a spiraling staircase. DNA consist of molecules call nucleotides, that come in the form of two long chains, which are joined by hydrogen bonds at the nitrogen bases forming a ladder twisted into a double helix.
What are the dimensions of DNA?
The width of the curves in the double helix of the DNA is 21 angstrom and the height is 34 angstrom.
Note: Angstrom is one hundredth-millionth of a centimeter. Moreover the dimensions of DNA form the ratio 34:21, which produce the 1.618 irrational constant that is known as the (phi) ratio.
The Spiral
According to the American Heritage Dictionary a spiral is a curve on a plane that winds around a fixed center point at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance from the point.
Though it wasn’t until 1953 that our modern scientist discovered the structure of DNA, it is evident that the people of antiquity knew the connection of the spiral and what we call life. You see this with the symbols that represent life or healing in our older cultures. What first comes to mind in the Western World is the Caduceus and the Rod or Staff of Asclepius.

We see the similarity of these symbols and the structure of DNA. Also notice the use of the serpent in the symbolism. In many cultures in antiquity, the serpent is instrumental in their creation stories.
The Book of Genesis exemplifies this in Chapters 3 verse 1 where it says, “now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.” Two points here:
Caduceus of Hermes
1. The word Genesis according the American Heritage Dictionary means the coming into being of something; the origin. We know from here Genesis is talking about creation or things coming into being, the origin of things, which is in alignment with the actual word used in Hebrew, Barashith. Barashith means the beginning.

The word genes, which is associated with DNA, linguistically comes from German Gen, from gen (begetting), Greek words (such as genos, race, offspring, to beget) while genesis linguistically comes from O.E. from L. genesis, from Greek genesis (origin, creation, generation), from gignesthai (to be born), related to genos (race, birth, descent). The words genes and genesis both etymologically go back to gen in Indo-European.
Double Helix
2. In Genesis 3:1 it says, “now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.” So the words serpent and subtil are very important here. We must make note that here we are using the King James Version, so it uses the word subtil which is our word subtle. The word subtil or subtle mean: so slight as to be difficult to detect or describe, elusive.

Now clarifying this, we can linguistically look at the word subtil. In doing so, we are able to see another added dimension in Genesis 3:1. The word subtil or subtle comes from Middle English sotil, subtile, from Anglo-French, from Latin subtilis, literally, finely textured, from su- + tela cloth on a loom, akin to Latin texere to weave. The root of this word goes all the way back to its Indo-European root teks, to weave, also to fabricate,
especially with an axe. In its oldest form it means becoming.
The Rod or Staff
Now we can see that the serpent is associated with weaving and finely textured cloth. Additionally it’s associated with becoming. The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word weave:
1. To make (cloth) by interlacing the threads of the weft and the warp on a loom.
b. To interlace (threads, for example) into cloth.
2. To construct by interlacing or interweaving strips or strands of material: weave a basket.
3. To spin (a web, for example).
4. Past tense weaved. To make (a path or way) by winding in and out or from side to side, weaved our way through the heavy traffic.
Thus, Genesis is dealing with creation and genes, which is associated with the DNA.
In Genesis the Serpent is a major character associate it with creation. Describing the serpent as the most subtle or subtil beast of the field gives us insight of the nature of creation. As mentioned above, the word weave, which is associated with the serpent, in its past tense also means to make a path or way by winding in and out from side to side.
This is the connection of the serpent and creation. It is the winding spiral of the serpent in the Caduceus (the logo of the US Army Medical Corps) and in the staff of Asclepius (the logo of the American Medical Association) that is associated with the spiraling staircase of the double helix (DNA).
Sàngódaré Fágbèmí
Ifa Priest & Astro-Numerologist
That was amazed Baba. Thanks for sharing.
This was amazing. I now have greater insight into the book of Genesis. Can’t wait to read the next 3. Thanks, baba.